Founder & Board of Director

Eva. Anu Jacob

It's an ancient truth found within the Abrahamic covenant: “I will bless you … and you will be a blessing.”

In other words, we are blessed to be a blessing. The first blessing is receiving, but it doesn't end there. The second blessing is giving it away! That's the double blessing.

Loco Academy Africa

Educate | Empower | Enhance

In 2022 LoCo Academy Africa was initiated in building a school for poor kids to develop their lifestyle and blessing their future. In our first school more than three hundred children are studying, we teach character development, personal hygiene, special sessions from the Bible and extra curricular activities. This school is run by brother Thomas Moro, our first Batch Bible school student. Other school projects In Kenya and in different villages in Uganda are going on. You are invited to partner with this vision to bring light to the dark continent.

About Us

LoCo Ministries Uganda

LoCo Ministries is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Statement of faith

We acknowledge one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ, the love, mercy and grace of God are made known to us and all people. From this overflowing abundance of God’s love, we find our call to organisation. We proclaim together, “Jesus lived, died and rose again. Jesus is Lord. “We desire Him to be central in our individual and corporate life.

We seek to follow him

In His identification with the poor, the afflicted, the oppressed, the marginalized, in His special concern for Children, in His respect for the dignity bestowed by God on women equally with men, in His challenge to unjust attitudes and systems, in His call to share resources with each other, in His love for all people without discrimination or conditions, in His offer of new life through faith in Him. From Him we derive our holistic understanding of the gospel of the Kingdom of God, which forms the basis of our response to human need.

We hear His call to servanthood and see the example of His life. We commit ourselves to a servant spirit permeating the organization. We know this means facing honestly our pride, sin and failure. We bear witness to the redemption offered only through faith in Jesus Christ. The staff we engage are equipped by belief and practice to bear this witness. We will maintain our identity as Christian while being sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we express that identity.


A God fearing, holistically transformed, empowered, and sustainable community.

Core Values

  • Love and Compassion.

  • Responsiveness.

  • Integrity.

  • Stewardship.


  • To bear witness to Jesus Christ by life, deed, word and sign that encourages people to respond to the Gospel. .

  • To respond to health needs in Uganda through establishing contemporary health facilities with a focus on Children, women and mental health.

  • To empower and strengthen the work of missions, evangelism and discipleship in local churches in response to the great commission through a well-established infrastructural missions’ school.

  • To provide Christian based basic education that impacts good morals, striving for academic excellence to produce responsible self-reliant citizens.

  • To mobilize, support and advocate for the rights and needs of vulnerable members of our communities such as orphans, street children, refugees, old and physically challenged people.




Almost at the close of pandemic Covid-19, while the whole world was still shut with no activities, including the Gospel Meetings and crusades for over two and half years ,our passed out first batch mission school students from LoCo Ministries broke the odds and set out on door to door evangelism, preaching the gospel to every soul they met and helping the poor. Many received Lord Jesus as their personal savior.

Having been moved by the initiation from students and understanding the importance of the Mission School, the church leaders and community ministers too broke the odds and invited the principal of the mission school brother Vishnu Raj to initiate the start of the second batch of students.

By now the high officials of the Country had already realized, because of the gospel operations conducted by the mission school, violence, lawlessness and all forms of illicit activities had subsided drastically. Though the schools, colleges and other institutions were still shut, the authorities arranged special permissions to reopen the Mission School with safety protocols. This led to the start of a second batch of 30 students from Uganda, South Sudan and Congo.

By the grace of God the first two batch students are powerfully used by the Lord for planting churches, starting school, organizing outreaches and social works. In a short span, by the grace of God, the African world is seeing a mighty revival move of the Holy Ghost.We are glad to see the third batch being already commenced with students from Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania, South Sudan, Uganda, DR Congo. The Lord is faithful to His word.